Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby Bump at 8 months!

FINALLY I know! (no laughing, or pointing fingers)! haha. I can't believe this has taken me over 3 months to do this. I am so sorry. Now, I am over 8 months along!!

I am feeling very good. I have loved being pregnant! Of course, I have had my complaints of aches and pains but for the most part, I could do this over and over again (if I feel this good every time). And I have only gained 12 lbs! Actually, 12 lbs from my doctors scale and 8 lbs from mine- I'll go with my scale. :) I think I owe all that to my morning walks. I have been having some Braxton Hicks lately that are making my body sore, especially my back. Oh please oh please don't let me have back labor! Ouch! I am now starting to go to the Doctor every week for those lovely exams every mother just loves! :)

Randy and I completed 4 birthing classes and a breast feeding class. I am so glad we did both of them. Now, we will be champs right? ha! :) I have to say that I am honestly more nervous to breast feed than give birth. Please send me some positive vibes for breast feeding. I am sure it will be fine. I don't know why I am so nervous about it.

I survived two baby showers and thank everyone SO much who came and helped us out and gave us SO much cute stuff! Our nursery is almost done, just doing the finishing touches. Yay, we are excited! We can't wait to see this little girl we already LOVE so much! We haven't decided on a name yet. We have our list of 5, but will name her after we see her.


  1. You are so cute and you will do just fine! Can't wait to meet her! Love you!

  2. So did Randy learn to nurse too? I'm sure he loved that class! That could come in handy if you ever need to go on vacation and leave the baby with daddy :)

    Honestly, I loved nursing all my babies. Its a great excuse to sit and cuddle and not be running around doing other stuff. But the first few weeks are not fun--sorry! Try to grin and bear it and I promise it gets much easier, even enjoyable. No worries!

    You look amazing. I can't believe you've only gained 12 lbs. Who does that? I gain 50 every time. Can't wait to see my new niece!! Love you guys and miss you tons!

  3. Hooray, you are almost there! I was totally TERRIFIED to nurse too. My first two didn't go so well but with the 3rd I was committed to making it work and I did and I loved it. Merri knows a great lady up there if you have any help. That's what I wished I had done with the first one, call someone for some support and to answer my questions instead of quitting. also I have learned lots of things now so feel free to call if you feel discouraged. You can do it Cami! But most importantly don't be hard on yourself if it is tough at first. It took me 3 months to really get it down and not have any discomfort. You are gonna be a great mommy! Keep my posted! Oh and you look GREAT by the way!

  4. Cam! Finally, some pictures! I'm glad I got to see you the other day....I miss you so much! You'll do good with everything. And you look awesome! I wish I could only gain 12 pounds! You better text some pictures when she comes....I can't wait! So excited for you. You guys will be awesome parents!! And go get yourself a blizzard from H!! :)

  5. You look so dang cute! I love prego pics. I am glad that you have been feeling so good. I can't wait to see this little girl. You are going to be the funnest mom...and don't worry about anything. You will be such a natural!

  6. cute pictures! You are still walking congrats1 I had to stop around 8 months because of the pain it caused...anyways as far as nursing go's i believe that if you are totally relaxed and i have to say use the creme they give you! i know that is alot of info but seriously use it! you will do great, ask a nurse to assist you thats what i did with my first and it really paid off, i had to let go of my modesty issues, but it was totally worth it. good luck and you look awesome!
