Kimber was born April 7, 2010 at 1:05am. She weighed 6lbs, 11oz, 19 inches long. I was induced on the April 6th and after 15 hours of labor she finally arrived.
My labor was actually quite fabulous, I was a little nervous to be induced because everyone said that the pitocin makes your contractions stronger, and since I have never experienced labor before it kinda scared me. I didn't think it was that bad at all. I waited to get my epidural until I was about 5cm and after I had the drugs I was in heaven! Bless you epidural! I dialated from a 5 to a 8 in about an hour and then to a 10 and hour later. My lovely nurse let me sleep an hour before I started pushing which was nice...bless his heart too. Yes, HIS heart, I was so embarrased to have a male nurse when he first walked in, but he was my favorite nurse I had that day and he helped so much. I was hoping to have her before midnight so she could share a birthday with the Savior and the Church but she wasn't quite ready to come before midnight. :)
Kimber is a great baby. She eats like a pig, she sleeps almost all night and is awake most of the day with some naps here and there. I really don't think I know of a newborn who is awake as much as her, luckily she just chills though. She does have a fussy time of day. It hits at 7pm on the dot and lasts for about 2 hours. Her tummy hurts during that time. I have her on gripe water and that seems to help.
She has a fun personality and smiles a lot in her sleep. I like to watch her. I think she looks like Randy, but sometimes I think she does faces that look like me. She is beautiful! We love our baby girl and we are so happy she is here!